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Article Review Template

Article Review Template

When it comes to writing an article review, having a proper template can be incredibly helpful. A template provides a structured format for organizing your thoughts and analyzing the key elements of the article you are reviewing. In this article, we present a comprehensive article review template that you can use to craft your own reviews effectively.

Title and Introduction

The title of the article should accurately reflect its content and grab the reader's attention. It is essential to include the title of the article you are reviewing in your own review, clearly indicating that it is a review.

The introduction should briefly summarize the main theme or topic of the article, providing context and setting the stage for your review. It should also include the author's name, publication date, and any additional relevant details.


In this section, provide a concise summary of the article's main points. Highlight the key arguments, findings, or conclusions presented in the article. Ensure that your summary accurately reflects the author's intent and provides a clear overview for the reader.

Analysis and Evaluation

In this section, critically evaluate the article by discussing its strengths and weaknesses. Consider the author's arguments, evidence, and the overall structure of the article. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Thesis: Assess whether the author's thesis or main argument is clear, logical, and well-supported throughout the article.
  2. Evidence: Analyze the quality and relevance of the evidence presented by the author. Determine if it is sufficient enough to support the main arguments.
  3. Clarity and Organization: Evaluate how well the author presents their ideas. Consider the clarity of the language, the logical flow of the article, and the overall organization of the content.
  4. Contribution: Assess the article's contribution to the broader field of study. Discuss whether it adds new insights, challenges existing theories, or contributes to ongoing discussions.
  5. Supporting Research: Assess the extent to which the author incorporates and references existing research to support their arguments. Determine if the author effectively integrates their work with the existing literature.


In the conclusion, summarize your key findings and provide a final evaluation of the article. Restate whether you believe the article is effective in achieving its goals and contributing to its field. Offer your own opinion on the article and suggest areas for further research or improvement if applicable.

Remember to cite the article you reviewed in your conclusion, providing the necessary details for others to locate it.

  • Author's Name
  • Title of the Article
  • Journal or Publication
  • Publication Date

By following this comprehensive article review template, you can structure your reviews in a cohesive and organized manner, ensuring that all essential elements are covered. Remember to maintain a professional tone throughout and support your statements with evidence from the article. Happy reviewing!